Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Raiders of the Luchon pics


  1. Great pics, Dave, and re-cap of the RP and Luchon week. Fond memories and after a few days, the legs have almost recovered. Well done to all for riding their hearts out during the RP and through some ... discomfort. Let's hope it's not so long before we do (something perhaps not quite so difficult) again, or at least with better breakfasts. And that includes coffee, but excluding the Luchon week, of course, where the food set a standard that was difficult to meet, if I may say.

  2. Yes, the GK food standard would be hard to top. Now if you ever open that restaurant we'd have to collectively swing by periodically to be assured that standards haven't slipped. Hope you are enjoying some flat land riding GK, before you you the RP again in reverse!

  3. Excellent job Dave, very disappointed I missed this trip.
